How To Avoid Incriminating Emails When Having An Affair

How-To-Avoid-Incriminating-Emails-When-Having-An-AffairIn the new age of technology getting away with anything is near impossible. There is nothing that is a secret, nothing that you can hide, nothing that you can keep from others. In the olden days if you had a secret, it wasn’t hard to keep, you just kept your mouth shut. Nothing was recorded, or written down, it was all swept under the rug and everyone just looked the other way. If you are engaging in an affair with someone other than your partner, getting away with it may be proving more difficult than you’d hoped. Communicating with your mistress without your spouse knowing is not as simple as it used to be.

Phones are the easiest way quickest way to chat and while the calls might not be recorded you better be sure to delete call histories and text messages. But what about emails? Sure they need a password, but they are not as hard to get into as you think. If you are going to carry on an affair and don’t want to get caught there are ways to avoid incriminating emails from your partner by following some simple rules:

6 Tips You Should Follow When Having An Affair

1. Open up a new email account ( GMAIL is my personal favorite) and find a completely different service and email address. Don’t tell anyone about your email address, especially friends and family. The address that you have should be just for you and your affair to communicate through.

2. Don’t ever use your personal, or home computer, to answer or check your emails. If you use your email from your home you may mistakenly leave yourself signed in leaving it open to those in your life to sift through. Some services will also leave little icons in the corner tab of your computer. Like if you significant other is using your computer, or suspects you and starts looking through it, up in the corner will be your email address for sites like GMAIL. Even if they can’t get into it it will send up a red flag about why you have a secret email address at all that they don’t know about. If you use your home computer to check your email address it will also be in your history log. You can erase those, but are you really going to remember to do it every time you check your email address? It is best to not have any history stamped on your home computer at all.

3. If you have a Mac, make sure that it isn’t streaming, connected to another device, or coming up connected to the “mail” icon. On a mac there is a mail icon through which all incoming and outgoing emails go through. Whether you want them to or not, it is like a recorder for everything you do. So, if you are going to use your mac make sure to either turn off the internal mail system or don’t use it at all.


4. Don’t connect your smartphone to your secret email. Smart phones are a great convenience, but they are also one of the best ways for people to find out what you have been up to. You may think that your partner can’t, or doesn’t know how to access your email and other correspondence, but all you have to do is get into the shower and it takes but a second for an email to come through and be intercepted. If you are going to use an email, don’t hook it up to your smartphone permanently, always sign on separately using your passcode instead of inputting it into your phone for easy access.

5. When emailing be very vague. Don’t ever give personal details or leave messages about your feelings with. Make your emails very nonchalant and about nothing but vague things that can’t be detected. Use innuendoes about work or business when you are talking about personal stuff just to be extra safe. Making up code words is not a bad idea either.

6. Whatever you do, never use an email to talk about sexual encounters with your affair, or to admit things. Even if you are pretty sure that no one knows about the email, or if they do can’t get into them, they can. If you are at work, there is a possibility that your boss, your work, or the organization can see what you have been up to. Although they don’t normally get involved in your affairs, literally, they may take moral offense to your actions and try explaining losing your job to your spouse, and over a racy email to boot, ouch!


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