Social Media Advice When Having an Affair

Social-Media-Advice-When-Having-an-AffairPeople have been engaging in extramarital affairs since the dawn of marriage. They have been searching for ways to keep things quiet for just as long. People who are having an affair generally do not want anyone to find out about it. They not only want to keep the affair quiet but they also want to fly completely under the radar of any suspicions at all. This has become increasingly harder to do as years’ progress. This new technological era has ushered in a whole new generation of people who share everything. It isn’t hard to track someone’s daily life schedule by simply watching their social media posts for a few days.

Social media has become the bane of existence to all the introverted, shy people who prefer to keep their business on the down-low. Social media sites and apps have slid into human life in almost every culture on Earth. See a list of the most used social media sites here. They are beneficial in so many ways and are even required in some jobs and careers. For some they have even replaced letter writing, phone calls and emails. Many people use them as the sole form of communication with people in their lives. As useful as they are, there are still pitfalls to using them and when you are having an affair is one of the biggest. There are a few things to keep in mind when using social media during an affair.

Remember Your Privacy Settings

Anyone having an affair must be extremely familiar with the privacy settings on all of their social media accounts. Know who sees every post you make and where it can be seen on the net and via apps. Become extremely familiar with all functions and services afforded you in the privacy and security sections of your profile. Being aware of what tools are at your disposal is the first step in being as private with your posts and information as you can be. When having an affair, it is of the utmost importance to strictly monitor the audiences of each and every post made across the social media board. One slip up could mean a disastrous marital catastrophe. It’s important to prevent or repair mistake posts as soon as you can.

Boring is Safe

When you’re having an affair it isn’t the best time to be super chatty on your social media accounts. Making too many posts or getting too personal with posts can show more of your personal life to the world than many people realize. Before you know it, someone has put two and two together and the cat is out of the bag. There may always be people out there who know you both and you never know which post will spark that flame of recognition and seal your fate. The safest move to make is to keep all posts and updates to something that isn’t personal. Try vague inspirational quotes or sports news.

No Pictures Please

Another thing you should steer clear of during an affair is a lot of picture posting. Memes, animals, GIF’s; those kind of pictures are fine. What you don’t want is a ton of personal shots of what you’ve been up to lately. It may not seem like it but even the most innocuous photo can potentially give clues that you having an affair. Refrain from posting pictures of yourself or people you are with. Do not post pictures of where you are, where you have been or where you plan to go during the affair. Be careful not to post any pictures of your affair partner, her family or friends.

Hard Choice

The safest decision of all could be making the hard choice to not use social media at all when engaging in extramarital affairs. Its ok to watch and read the other posts from those you follow, but if possible, do not interact. Do not make any new posts. This is really hard to do for some people. Daily posts and interaction online is almost an addiction for a lot of people. – Read the 12 signs your addicted to social media – Those are also the types of people who get caught in affairs most often. They are not careful about what they post and who can see it. Nor are they careful about what they say around certain people and covering their tracks.

Successful affairs are those that have ended well for both partners. Usually that means spending a certain amount of time together and going your separate ways when the flames of passion die away. People rarely have affairs with the intention of staying together as a couple, but if so, that can also constitute a successful affair. What’s important is that everyone is happy at the end of the relationship. A heavy social media presence almost always leads to disaster. It can be worse if posting on social media is part of your job. Use the advice here to help you develop an appropriate social media account during an affair.

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