What to Do if Your Wife Becomes Suspicious of Your Affair

What-to-Do-if-Your-Wife-Become-Suspicious-of-Your-AffairMen have affairs every single day, and the act is as old as time. But, with the Internet age making information so available to everyone, women are finding it more and more easy to come across clues that their man might be cheating. Articles – like this one – pop up every day that offer tips and signs that a partner is cheating, but very few ever give options to the other half. Everyone has their reasons for starting and affair, and no one wants to get caught. If you think your wife is becoming suspicious of your affair, here are a few things that can be done to throw her off the scent.

Leave Stuff around for Her to Find That Will Prove You’re Innocent

All it takes is a simple Internet search for women to find several articles on how to catch her man cheating. Some of them are actually informative, but most just give the same old advice over and over. They will tell her to read texts, check emails and monitor online activity. While this can all be a great way at catching a cheater, someone with more experience will know better. If a wife suspects a husband of cheating, a great way to throw her off is to leave things laying around for her to find that will make her second guess her accusations. When taking a shower or running out to the store, conveniently leave a safe email account open. You should already have a private email address set up for your affair, so the one she will be looking at won’t have a single suspicious thing on there. The same goes for phones. Buying a separate phone is usually one of the first steps someone who is having an affair will take. It allows them to talk and text their new fling however much they want without worry about their wife going through it or seeing suspicious activity on a bill. Leave the safe phone laying around and don’t lock it. Let her read through texts and call logs, and see for herself that there is no suspicious activity. As long as the private phone is kept far away from her, she’ll have no solid reason to stay apprehensive.

Don’t Drastically Change Your Daily Routine

When starting an affair, it can be tempting to throw caution to the wind and allow things like temperament or fashion to change. But, this is one of the number one ways that men get caught. When finding a new fling, it can be normal for a husband to want to take on a few changes. He’ll want to start dressing better, he might start listening to new music that suits the taste of his lover, he might start wearing a new cologne or going to the gym more. While none of these things are bad and might not necessarily raise suspicion on their own, too much change at once is a huge red flag for most women. If a wife confronts a husband about too many changes, he might find his temperament also changing and will become more snappy and irritable than usual with his wife. His new fling is fun and exciting, and provides him with everything that the wife isn’t. It’s only normal that nagging and confrontation will make him cranky. But, it’s always best to remain calm and treat the situation as though it were nothing. The moment a husband starts getting too defensive when being accused of an affair, is the moment he starts to look questionable. Keep temperament and routine the same for as long as possible, only gradually introducing new habits. If new habits slowly become a part of every day routine, a wife likely won’t even notice. Be smart and always remember not to do too much at once.

Have a Separate Bank Account

Whenever a man starts a new affair, it’s only natural that he’s going to start spending more money than usual. Dates, gifts and weekend getaways are all things that add up over time and can make a wife highly suspicious. If a wife has access to her husband’s bank account, he’s going to get caught sooner than later. The best way to avoid any issues is to open a private bank account that is only used for the affair. A wife may become suspicious as first why money seems a little tighter lately, but if there are no questionable bills or charges to fuel her suspicions, then usually she’ll drop the issue. Let money build up in the side account for a while, and eventually vacations, hotel rooms and gifts won’t have to be given second thought. Having a second credit card is also a good idea just in case a wife decides to go snooping through all known money sources. Keeping these things in mind will be a great way to keep a wife from having too much reason to be suspicious of any affairs.


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